f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
24 November 2004 || Concerning my thanks...
I am thankful this year. Bitter and depressed as I may have been these last few months, I am so thankful that I could cry out of sheer joy.

I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, and food in my belly on a semi-regular basis. I am thankful for my friends and family who give me their constant love and support, even from as far away as Japan. [I got your card Johnny. *grin* The baby is gorgeous!] I am thankful for my friends and psuedo-family up here who buy me coffee and tell me everything's going to be okay. I am thankful that at my very lowest, when all I can manage is enough mental energy to curl up in a ball and feel sorry for myself, I've at the very least got a wubbie to cuddle. I'm thankful for the contact I have with my online family, through email and these posts and my cell phone.

I'm thankful that I'm discovering I'm more than strong enough to get through this. I'm thankful that I have the mental strength and courage to handle the stress and not give in to the temptations of taking the easy way out.

I'm thankful to be living in such a gorgeous, new environment. I'm thankful for the cold and the rain and the leaves falling. I'm thankful that I'm alive, and wretched as I may think my existance is right now, I know it's not actually that bad. I'm thankful to be able to wake up in the mornings and have the luxury to think my life is crap. I'm thankful to know that really? I know better.

Yeah. I'm thankful. You may not guess it, not lately at least, but I am so fucking lucky right now, and I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg yet...

A few weeks ago, I texted my mom, and I said, "If I ever make it out of this poverty, I will never eat ramen again." My grandma wrote me a letter the other day and told me that I'm wrong. She told me that every November 1st, I should sit down to a bowl of ramen, whether I'm alone, or forcing this new tradition on my family, and be greatful that at least I had ramen. You know, she's right [as always]. I should do that, and I will. Because there are more people than I could possibly count who don't even have that.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve Day everyone. And take a minute, as hokey as it is, to sit down and think about what you're really thankful for...

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