f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
23 November 2004 || Concerning the most depressing Thanksgiving I've ever had to anticipate.
What's this?

Another entry?

Didn't I just post one yesterday? With my phone number and everything?

So shouldn't it be like, almost a month before you hear from me again?

What the hell kiddies, I'm living dangerously. I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger!

Not really. I'm just job hunting and thought I'd give you an update.

Thanksgiving plans fell through, but I haven't told anyone. My options are to go spend the holiday with Cosmo and The Grilled-Cheese Anti-Christ, or drive out to Newberg with Mon Lion and [I'm assuming] his ex/current. Neither option is too appealing just now, but then, sitting alone in my hovel of an apartment eating turkey and cranberries alone, save for the wubbies, isn't all that thrilling of an option either.


Ah well...things will go as they should, and if I spend the holiday alone, so be it.

I'll recover. And be a better person for it. Besides, I won't have to share my leftovers with anyone!

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