f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
23.05.03 || 14
Okay, I will have to address something I mentioned in my last entry.

True, I insulted The Matrix:Reladed.

True, I hated it.

True, I would not pay money to sit through it, and I'm glad I saw it for free when I did see it, or I would have been pissed.

True, I won't be in a frenzy to see the third installment.

However, I did leave out the following facts:

1. I had insanely high expectations of this movie.

2. The story was an absolute mind fuck even if the action was unimpressive.

3. I am a hard to please bitch.

I'm sure I pissed people off. I'm sure of this because this morning my inbox had 18 new emails, 2 of which pointed me to new comments to that last entry. The rest of them were, well, they can only be described as hate mail. Most were mild, but some were shocking. Look, I understand that you people have stong opinions, and truely, I'm glad you feel so strongly about them to fire off an email because you feel I insulted you. Here's the thing though kiddies:

This is my fucking diary. If you've read many of my entries, you should know by now that this is where I don't censor myself. In fact, as time goes on and I feel more comfortable in my cozy little corner I call The Ice Lounge, I feel less need to hide things, from myself, and from the 31 people who I consider my personal little fanclub. So yeah, I'm probably going to let things fly that will offend, piss off, frighten, disgust, or otherwise give my fellow cyber freaks cause to become upset.

Okay, I'm done with this topic now. Just understand that just because I dissed a piece of pop culture that you happen to worship gives you no call to email me threatening to sodomize my cats with my toothbrush, aight?**

If all else fails, read the mother-fucking Disclaimer.

**Yes, I did recieve an email threatening to do just that. Scary, eh kiddies?

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