f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
23.05.03 || 15
Okay kiddies, I am officially less than a drink away from drunk off my ass. I'm laughing uncontrollably at things that are mildly funny. I'm asking people if my face is hot. It's one of those annoying habit you only have when you're drunk. You guys have to have something you do when you're fucked up, right?

So I'm watching the first Leprecaun. Have you guys seen it? Jennifer Anniston is in it. There's this big dumb guy. I think he's "special". Anyways...remember how I told you I get overly friendly when I'm drunk? Yeah, so I was busy sucking the tongue out of a friends mouth when she started cackling like a banshee. I looked up to see that they are somehow stalling the leprecaun by throwing shoes at it. Umm...he had to shine the shoes. What's that about? Can someone please explain it to me?

SciFi channel is running a "scary movie" marathon. Remember Friday Night Fright? I don't know if you all got it...it was on KTTY, Channel 69. First it was hosted by Elvira, then Freddy Krueger, then it lost a host altogether. Man...I LIVED for FNF!! Of course, then it moved to 34...then it went away. *sigh* I miss it so much. I'm SO all over the SciFi marathon right now. Now it's Retro-PuppetMaster. SWEET!

I'm gonna sign off kiddies. I could ramble on and on, but I need another drink and I want to get comfy and watch the movie. Also...I think I need to lose my shirt.

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