f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
02 January 2006 || Concerning a super brief update.
New Years Eve...

I'm still recovering. The wedding STARTED at 12:01, and it was very strangely set up. We partied, like a normal New Year's Eve Party, the whole countdown and everything...

F�nf...Vier...Drei...Zwei...Eins! Prost Neujahr!!

Then, after the cheering and the kissing and the dancing, everyone settled down, and the happy couple got married, after which, the partying continued. I was wiped out, so I bailed and the boy and I walked back to the house with a few friends. It was chaos. Fireworks, insanity. It was amazing. Collapsed in bed, checked my phone, still some charge, so I texted a few friends. Phone was dead this morning...

Today, we just stayed in. It was too cold, and we were too tired. This afternoon, we went out, and this evening. I didn't get home till 4am. I called home, it's raining there. And it's FREEZING AND SNOWING here. There's a group of us thinking about taking a train ride to Berlin, but I really only had the cash to fly here, stay here, and fly back. And as much fun as I'm having playing with the kids here and wandering the streets of Munich, I'd be content to stay here. Sk8rBoi gets here in a few hours. We leave to get him at noon. This'll be the first time NewLeaf meets him. Then we'll be moving to stay at Sk8rBoi's house here, with a few other houseguests. We'll see how awkard the boys make it.

Frankly, I'm just looking forward to staying in a finished house. They're still building this one. It's like camping....inside! Fun though, Seriously!

Well, I think we're about to bundle up and take a walk. BTW, pantas are AMAZING!

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