f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30 December 2005 || Concerning Munich in Winter.
So it's like, 5:30 at night here in Munich. My camera phone has died on me, but I DO have a couple photos uploaded on to the laptop I borrowed from a friend.

Let my start by saying OH MY GOD is it cold!!! I need to get out of San Diego more, I really freaking do! I thought it was cold there! You know, when it's like 65 and breezy? Time to bust out the winter clothes Ma! It got down to 32 last night, I do declare!!

*shakes her head*

Yeah, not so much with that here. Because see, currently, there's snow on the ground. SNOW. And I think I was able to glean from the German news that they're expecting a high of like, -7C, which is something around 20F. Who the hell gets married this time of year?! *chuckles*

Okay. So, pictures.

The lovely bride-to-be earlier today. I swear, she looks 12, but she's actually 27! No, I'm serious, she showed me her ID. 27!! That seals it. I'm totally going vegetarian.

THAT was the car they picked me up from the airport in. We went in, warmed up, ate, and walked down to a local tavern to celebrate and introduce me 'round and when we came back...

4 of my hosts. The girls were at another table and I didn't upload the pic. See suave guy smirking at the camera? He's the groom. He and I have a bit of history... *grins* But we're just really good friends now. And the blonde? HILARIOUS! Does an awesome impression of the governator. The other two are friends from here, the one in the olive jacket being closest to my heart currently. So glad he came with me!

That is one hell of a beer. I think they did this to me because I'm not a local, but if you scroll up to the picture just above this and see how big these steins are in the guys hands, it was quite the formidable task. I sipped on this one the whole night, and didn't quite finish it before it was too warm to drink. They ordered me another, but I didn't even try. Okay, maybe I tried, but I didn't succeed.

And it's a good thing that I may or may not be drunk because while I'm tired, my body clock is all off kilter and wonky. I think I'll manage a shower and wander downstairs to have some tea before I crash though.

Tomorrow it's the final rehearsal, which I'm not going to as I'm not in the wedding party, so I'll bop around town with NewLeaf and Blondie. Tomorrow night is the wedding, and New Year's Eve. Double woo on that one.

So this is me kiddies, signing off from Munich. I'll type at you when I get a chance.

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