f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
03.04.03 || Concerning Dare Jenga.
Dare Jenga: NC-17 Version. We invented this a full year before Jenga came out with their own tamed down version.

4 players at least, of both sexes, though, the more the better I think.

Same rules apply as to normal Jenga, but as you pull out each block, you must read the dare and perform it. If not, you lose and everyone present gets to choose an article of clothing to take from you.


play with the ear of the person to your right using your tongue

take a shot and everyone slaps your ass

body shot off the person to your right

bite the throat of the person to your left

tongue kiss the person across from you

everyone take one shot

shotgun everyone present

boys take a shot

everyone take a shot and open mouth kiss the person to your right

tongue kiss the person of your choice

imitate oral sex on the hand of the person to your right

play 3 minutes in heave with the person across from you

shotgun the people on either side of you and take one yourself

bite the person to your right

everyone takes a shot

girls take a shot

lick the person to your left

take a shot and kiss the nearest girl

lick the throat of the person to your right

stick your tongue in the ear of the person to your right

take three shots and slap everyone's ass

shotgun the person to your left and right

suck on the neck of the person to your right for 1 minute

shotgun the person to your left

musical chairs

bite the neck of the person to your right

suck on the lips of the person to your right

musical chairs

shotgun the person to your left

give a hickey to the person on your left

boys take a shot

play 3 minutes in heaven with the person to your left

spell your name with your tongue on the back of the neck to the person on your left

lick the lips of the person on your left

take a shot and kiss the nearest boy

nibble on the back of the person to your left

open mouth kiss the person on your right

remove and article of clothing

shotgun the person to your left

lick the lips of the person to the left

take a shot and lick the lips of everyone present

give a hickey to the person on your left

musical chairs

body shot the person to your left

lick the person to your right

body shot the person on your left

take a shot

open mouth kiss the person on your right and left

body shot the person to your right

kiss the person to your left

everyone take a shot

go "commando" for the rest of the game

lick the ear of the person to your left

remove an article of clothing

How's that for a party game? By the end everyone's liquered up and making out. I'm surprised it hasn't turned in to an all out orgy! Last time we played, I did go down on a guy though.

You know what? I think it's funny how people freak out when they find out you've had a same sex encounter.

"Are you gay?"

"Are you Bi?"

"Were you drunk or something?"

Really people, why classify yourselves, you could be missing out on some good times! Why do you have to be drunk to consider letting a guy suck your cock or going down on a chick? Why does this suddenly change what classification of "sexual preference" one falls under? "Sexual preference"...yeah, that term deserves it's own damn rant in here some day.

I need a shower and an orgasm.

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