f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
03.05.03 || Concerning more bleed induced whining.
Oh. My. God.

(not that I believe in "god" per say, but still...)

I feel horrible. I hurt, I'm bleeding what seems like buckets, I'm cold (aren't I always?) and I'm hungry. But I have nothing to eat.

Wow, I'm pathetic.

Okay, another call for help to all you lovely people out there. What do you do/use to get rid of menstrual cramps? Nothing I've taken/done is working.

I'm craving salt and chocolate. How typical is that eh?

I've gone through 3 tampons and 6 pads since 10:30 this morning.

I puked up breakfast at 11:45.

I've had 6 liters of water.

2 Extra Strength Advil Liqui-Gels.

A bowl of pasta.

A baggie of Wheat Thins.

I need a big wad of chocolate. A big old hunk of chocolate and a box of Wheat Thins all to myself. I need to take a shower (sans bathmat), rinse all the blood and gelatinous blobs of uterine lining off of my inner and outer labia, and come out smelling like Caress Shimmering Pear. I need a fresh tampon, and a new pad, and clean underwear. I need to curl up in bed with my pajamas on and my duvet and my cats and my chocolate and my Wheat Thins and play The Sims on my PS2. I need to go home.

Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get rid of the nudity censor box on the PS2 version of The Sims?

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