f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
03.07.03 || Concerning an inadvertant mark of affection.
I am fully annoyed by people who feel the need to point out hickeys. Why is this? Why do they need to do this? Do they think you don't know about it? Do they think that they are just so keen eyed and sharp witted that their quips about "phantom mosquitos" are clever and insightful.

Yes, it is a hickey. I have a big ass hicky on my neck. It got there because someone that I was very "up-close and personal" to decided to suck on my neck. Yes, I was engaged in a rather heated make out session, and yes, there was more going on than this hickey. Aren't you observant? Wow, I never noticed I had a bruise the size of an infant's palm on my throat! You are so amazing to have noticed it's dark purple blotchiness standing out in plain site against my winter-white skin! Ha ha ha!! Phantom mosquito flying around?! That's so funny. Vampire? No you silly goose, but that's cute too. Yes, I did have fun last night, how did you guess? Oh, yeah, the GIANT ASS HICKEY on my neck!!

Let us pause while I engage in an involuntary spasm of eye rolling.


Okay, do you have that out of your system you boring little pathetic loser? Good! Now let me be clever and insightful for a minute.

You point out my hickey because you are jealous. You are jealous and pathetic. You worry about what people think. Do you have a shirt that would cover that? What would they think? What would they say? Oooh, that feels good, but quit it! What would they think??!!

Who the fuck cares what they think? I don't care what you think, that's for damn sure!

And if you think about it, if I'm the type to get/give a hickey, I'm probably the type to enjoy the attention you're giving me.

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