f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
30.06.03 || 19
Okay kiddies. No piccys for you. I got 2 emails over the weekend. T W O. That's cool, I'm not upset or anything. It actually saves me a lot of work during this busy, busy time. One of thos emails was actually a bribe! Some ballsy bitch told me "I'll tell you I want to see your pictures, if you add me as a favorite."

Can you believe it?

Well kiddies, ballsy bitches are few and far between. So what did I do? I added her as a favorite. Kiddies, meet until-we-die. until-we-die, meet the kiddies. Now that you have been properly introduce, I hope you can play nice!

So let me fill you in on my wild and exciting weekend.

f r i d a y

Cosmopolitan and I went up the road from work to this little food court for lunch. We had planned on getting Hawaiian food, but found this cute little French "bistro". We stared at the menu for so long that the little French girl who runs it asked us if she could take our order. I wish I had my digi-cam kiddies, she was a gorgeous little thing! And yes, she was ACTUALLY French. and yes, I would have ACTUALLY made out with her, she was so cute.

f r i d a y - n i t e

Cosmo and I hooked up with some friends, made a run for carne asada fries, and killed 2 fifths of vodka. I don't really remember eating my fries.

s a t u r d a y

Laid around. Did nothing. Chatted a bit. Saw 28 Days Later [expect a review in my horrorlog shortly]. Developed a crush on a beautiful Irish boy. As amazing as Colin? No. Lustworthy? Hell yeah!! Awesome movie. Gave me the heebie-jeebies.

s u n d a y

Spent 4 wasted hours at work preparing for a major bit of chaos that is fast approaching. Gorged on rolled tacos. Watched Adult Swim.

t o d a y

Came to work early. Wasted time. Hate my job right now. Want to go home. Kill me now.

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