f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
07.07.03 || 2
-----Original Message-----

From: [Wine Cooler]

Sent: Montag, 7. Juli 2003 12:49

To: [The entire corporate mailing list]

Subject: RE: Tenant Appreciation Day - July 15th 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Just wanted to share my frustration with you all regarding these events.

My staff was upset with me regarding the employee appreciation event on July 3rd because they thought they were entitled to attend the entire event. I advised them all that they were entitled to attend DURING their 30 minute lunch break and NOT for the entire event. Unfortunately, because of the delays with Multi Entity we were swamped with additional work to do and I could not spare them all for the 1 1/2 hrs of the last event.

I'm sure they will complain about this event as well.

Just thought I would share this info since my staff is sure to complain again.

Do the rest of you limit your staff to the 30 minutes? I would like to be on the same page, if possible.

Please let me know at your convenience.

Thanks, [WC]


Nice to know what your boss REALLY thinks of you , eh? Especially when the complaining was limited to 3 people and personally, I've clocked over 20 hours overtime in the past pay period alone. *sigh* Apology for sending it to everyone in the company instead of the managers only? Nope...just this:

-----Original Message-----

From: [WC]

Sent: 07 July, 2003 13:33

To: [My Dept Only]

Subject: Tenant Appreciation Day

Several of you received an email from me that was intended for the managers of [My company].

In the email I requested ALL managers respond to me as to how they allow their staff to attend [company] functions.

I am trying to make sure that all staff is treated the same and if I find that other managers allow their staff to attend [company] functions for more than the allotted 30 minute lunch break, I will abide by the same policy.

Several of you complained when I said you could only attend the Employee Appreciation function for 30 minutes and it seems there is now a tenant appreciation day on July 15th. I will let you know the outcome of the manager inquiry by Wednesday, July 9th.

It was not meant as though ALL staff had complained, however I must enforce the rules the same for everyone. This applies to all aspects of [my department].

If any of you complain about a policy, I will check the status of the other depts to make sure that we all enforce the rules in the same manner.

Thanks, [WC]

Ahem...yeah...I feel so appreciated.

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