f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
03 August 2004 || Concerning a brief stop for breath.
Every heard the saying "burning both ends of the candle" kiddies?

I've found a third end.

It's called stress, excitement, and Monster.

Oh sure, I've been sleeping, if you can call it that. Random snatches of unconsciousness, filled with disjointed dreams, fragmented visions, and muddled thoughts. Not quite restful.

Not quite anything actually.

Just the point at which my brain clicks off. Shut down. Can't function anymore.

I could bitch and moan about my stress. About my boy's drama. About the impending move. About any and everything under the sun.

But I just got a really sweet email from a kiddie, and I'm in a relatively good mood [even though I'm exhausted], and I just don't have it in me to bitch.

I'm just tired.

And I wanted to check in.

Cosmo promised me Chinese food tonight.


Updated the Body Mod page. FYI, I'm setting up a gallery on Fotopic for those of you without access to my RL galleries.

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