f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
02 June 2004 || Concerning breaking a tradition.
Bad news kiddies.


No Vegas this year. A 5 year tradition is being broken.

No Vegas.

This is depressing.

What's even more depressing is the reason behind it.

All of my friends, the boys, the few girls, the kids I've known nearly all of my life, are too old for it. Most of the boys have gotten married, the two girls are married and popping out babies. The married friends' spouses objected last year, and are putting their collective foot down this year. The unmarried friends are are all hooked up, and either want to bring a significant other who doesn't want to come, or have plans. The two, remaining, unattached boys.....well....one is actually locked up, and the other can't take time off of work.

This leaves Cosmo and I.

And she doesn't want to go if it's just us.


I guess it's for the best. I mean...we're saving up to get out of San Diego, and it would set us back in our savings plan.

Also, last year, I very nearly had a random sexual encounter with a German tourist. I doubt Mon Lion would appreciate a repeat of that, to say the least. Not that I would, trust me, this is one girly who knows how to act when she's got a man, regardless of the amount of alcohol I've consumed.

Still...I have to tell myself something to keep from being too upset.

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