f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
09.01.04 || Concerning the facts, as they stand.
You know, I've been thinking. It's really not all that practical for me to be on the market right now. I mean, I can't entertain boys at home. I don't have a reliable car with which to go out necking. And with Cosmo and I looking to move in the near future, I'm in no position to be anyone's girlfriend. After all, it's not good mojo to go flitting about breaking hearts along the California coast. I think, unfortunately for me, that while I'm technically on the market, it's in everyone's best interests that I don't seek out romantic entanglements until I'm settled for a bit, or at least able to have my fuck buddy spend the night.

And as far as my technical virginity goes, or the goddamn hymen of doom as it's started being called, I'm really rather "eh" about the whole thing. "Eh" as in I'd rather be sexually active right now, but I just don't give a shit anymore, and as I have no desire to fuck the brains out of any boys I've been seeing at my local haunts, I'm fine with the retention of my maidenhood. Besides, knowing me, I'll probably get ripped beyond belief sometime and wake up next to someone who's only redeeming factor is the fact that he's pretty to look at, as long as he doesn't open his stupid mouth. If luck is with me, it'll happen while Cosmo and I are in Berlin for the World Cup and then it won't matter what idiocy rolls from his lips, as it will most likely be in German.

In other news, Jessica Fantastica is my new best friend for her offer to burn me a ton of music off of my wishlist.

I need drugs, mexican food, and alcohol. And maybe some munchies later. And about 5 more executions.

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