f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
06.02.04 || Concerning a return, just in time for a celebration.
I'm back kiddies. Not back as in back from a desperately needed holiday. Not back as in I just got back from having a farty-poo in the ladies. I'm back as in back to my normal, jolly, horny, perky, happy-go-lucky, feisty self.

Woo! This has been a week from hell! It started out bad, and has gun the gamut of worse, worser, worstest, goddam-that's-fucking-horrible, shoot-me-in-the-fucking-head-right-fucking-now. You get the idea. But this morning, I woke up, The sun was shining, the wubbies were purring, life didn't suck, and it's Friday. I practically skipped out to the car this morning.

So, now that your beloved frozen-vodka is back from the very brink of world-loathing depression, I've apparently got a few issues to address.

Issue one: To all my beloved kiddies to whom I truly meant to send homemade, yummy Imbolc gifts to...I must apologize. Finances are tight as we're a month away from our new car [we changed our minds on what we're getting, more on that later]. So...instead of Imbolc parcels for my lovey kiddies, how to Beltaine parcels sound? It gives me more time to work on them, and make them all personal and stuff.

Also, here's some pretty big news, are you ready?

Are you sure?

Alright....drumroll please....

frozen-vodka is one year old today!! One entire year of rants and raves and whines and nonsense.

And, in true birthday spirit, I will be getting FUBAR and hopefully doing naughty things. Please do feel free to shower me in pressies and well wishes and greetings of birthday cheer. Because after all, I know you adore me kiddies!

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