f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
22 April 2004 || Concerning S.H.I.T.
Hey kiddies, what's new?

Well, today is Thursday, which is crap. I should start a plan to abolish Thursdays. Thursday's fucking suck herpes-ridden elephant cock. However, I have tamales for dinner, a fresh bottle of vodka in the freezer, and my guilty pleasure waiting for me tonight. Also, today was less crap, as I didn't do any work at all today and instead practiced my super ninja sleep technique. Alas, I should have been doing work because I've had to cram 8 hours of work into 3 hours that I had left at the end of the day after all of my dicking around.

Also, I'm been deeply involved in an extended conversation with someone very interesting, who's identity I won't reveal just yet as I'm not sure he wants the publicity. Hmm...shall I break out my handy, dandy nick-namer and come up with something suitable? I think I shall. I shall call him....1608. Hey, it makes sense to me. So 1608 and I were talking, and I told him my plan to get a fish and name it Aquaman, and he got it. *shock* So aside from an interesting conversation these past two days and apparently, a sense of humor as brilliant as my own, he's managed to intrigue me greatly. Also, his writing is gorgeous, and inspiring, in it's own way.

And in still other kiddie news, one of my kiddies has graciously offered to review my diary in exchange for a review of her diary. I did consider it for a moment, but after thinking about it, I decided that I would have to stick to my original gut feeling and decline. I just can't bring myself to pass judgement on someone else's thoughts and feelings...a diary, public though it may be, is such a personal thing...I couldn't even bring myself to judge the format, as I know how much effort I put into choosing and modifying my own template. Whatever the case may be, I just don't feel qualified to do a review.

Currently, I am freezing. I brought a thermometer in here today kiddies. I should have brought my digi-cam so I had solid proof, but the temperature is currently hovering between 53 and 53, Fahrenheit. No wonder I always ache and my fingers feel icy. And the air just constantly pours down onto my head from the vents above me.

I'm fighting another sore throat. Bad news because, well, it sucks. Good news because I get the sexy phone sex voice back. Not to brag or anything [though I actually am], I don't really need to be sick to have a sexy phone sex voice. I've been told by practically every male, and some females, that I have an amazing voice on the phone.

Also, just in case you missed it, or thought it had gone away, the link to my Q & A is down there at the bottom of my entries...feel free to make use of it.

I have noticed that my hits have gone down lately. I wonder if it's time for me to whore myself out to diaryland again. *sigh* If it's not frozen, the accent whore or frozen, the make-out whore....it's frozen, the banner whore.

Speaking of banners, I just clicked on one asking to share the story of my first kiss...since I shared with a complete stranger, I thought I'd share with my kiddies as well...

My first kiss was horrible. See, the girls in our elementary school [I was about 7] had paired up with the boys in some bizarre drawing...I don't remember the details. So suddenly we all had boyfriends. Apparently, according to our childhood knowledge, being a girlfriend meant watching our boyfriends play during recess and acting as cheerleaders if needed. It also meant that only our boyfriend could tag us out during dodgeball. And, of course, that we had to kiss. My boyfriend was a year older than me, and he had older brothers, so obviously, he was a pro [sense the sarcasm here?] I remember we'd been playing in a thicket of bamboo near my house and he said that he wanted to kiss me. Being the dutiful girlfriend, I said okay, and sat down next to him. He leaned forward and kissed me and when I felt his mouth open, I pushed him away, calling him grody. He persisted, telling me that I was his girlfriend, so I had to kiss him or else he would break up with me. Well...in my mind, no one at my school didn't have a boyfriend, making me the lone outcast, so I gave in. He leaned forward again and this time, when his mouth was open, I didn't push him away. And when his tongue started to go into my mouth, I remembered his threat of breaking up with me, so I let him. His tongue was cold and I remember it flopping around in my mouth for awhile and then he was done and pulled away with a big smile on his face. I, however, had a mouthful of drool and had no idea what to do with it. He saw my problem and told me that he thought I was supposed to swallow it...

However, I have had many mind-blowing, toe-curling, soul-shattering kisses since that first, and I do confess that it is an addiction.

It's almost time for me to go, so I'm going to pack up now. Have a good Thursday kiddies and kidlets.

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