f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
24 December 2005 || Concerning Christmas on Christmas Eve
For drama-ridden family reasons that I'd rather not get in to, today is my Christmas kiddies.

So on this day of days, I want to give each and every last one of you holiday cheer and a very merry christmas. It's sunny and already 62 here in SanD, and I can't help but wish for the blustery, rainy, icy Christmas of last year. Still, true to all expectations, this year is 100% better than last year. For those of you who's year is worse than last year...


It'll get better.

Hug your friends. Tell your family you love and appreciate them. Be polite to strangers. Perform some random acts of kindness. Try to be good kiddies next year.

And now I'm off for a mug of tea and vegan pancakes and breakfast with the people dearest to my heart. There are a few of you out there that I wish could join me around the table, but barring that possibility, you'll just have to settle for this wee bit of online love.

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