f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
26 July 2004 || Concerning a long overdue update.
I know, I know, an update is sorely in order. What with my birthday, my tattoo, Cosmo's trip to Portland [or PDX as the cool kids apparently call it], her successful scoring of an apartment, Vino's visit from Rome, and our rapidly approaching move....there's a lot of shit to talk about.

Chronologically is best, I'm sure.

My birthday was absolutely, without a doubt, the best birthday I've ever had in my entire life. It started at around 10pm when Sweets called me to wish me a happy birthday. It was already 12 PM his time you see. We chatted for awhile, I was over the moon that someone remembered, as honestly, apart from all of my big talk here, unless I've planned an event, my birthday is completely forgotten by everyone I know. I am, in real life, utterly forgettable by most people it seems. It sounds depressing, but it's been my life since I was 5, and I'm used to it.

So after I got off the phone with Sweets, Cosmo and I stayed up until midnight, when she wished me a happy birthday and we sleepily dragged our asses to bed.

Around 6ish, I woke to Mon Lion's ringtone, a very sweet text message, and we conversed back and forth a bit before I rolled over and fell back asleep.

We went out to brekkie and then ran a few errands, and then it was time to head down to Church of Steel. Nervio was my inker, and he took Cosmo and I into a back room where he'd lit incense and put on some chill music. He applied the pattern, I checked it, and he went to work. Honestly? I expected it to hurt worse. I really did. I was expecting nearly unbearable pain, but it wasn't too bad. Filling it in grated on me a bit...but a few slow, deep breaths got me over my discomfort. Here's a pic of it freshly done. The glare is from the goo he put on me before covering it.

Afterwards, I called Mon Lion and sent him pictures, then I did the same for Sweets and The Leprecaun. We picked up my mom from work, hit D*Lush for a birthday yum-yum, and went home to shower, get dressed, and head over to meet everyone before heading out to dinner.

Knowing our days here in SanD are numbered, we did the tourist thing and went to Casa de Bandini. I didn't care what I was eating, I wanted a giant ass margarita and to be serenaded by the mariachi. I got my margarita, and my song, and we headed home to open pressies.

On that front, I scored. An itty-bitty purse, large enough for my phone, ID, and cash. Baby pink Cons. A jewelry box. And from my Lovey-Cosmo, a ruby and diamond necklace. I cried. She always makes me cry when she gifts me. Last year it was my guitar, this year, a ruby.

3 days later, she was on a plane to Portland. She took pictures that I have yet to upload, but her trip was, obviously, a roaring success. We have an address. I really can't say much, as I haven't been there yet, but I managed to destroy our current room as I started packing. Slowly, slowly, our lives are disappearing into various sized boxes. I'm so excited, and so freaked out. We already chose and bought our flatware and tableware. Having moved out once before with a hodge-podge of other people's cast-offs, we're determined to do without until we can get what we want.

So there it is. It may not sound like much, my descriptive skills are lacking today, but my life is chock full of dramatic change right now, and I couldn't be happier!

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