f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
28.05.03 || 17
I am so tired of being here today. I really can't stand it. I have so many things on my mind and I just...I don't feel like devoting any more brain power to my job right now. And it's not like the things I'm thinking about are more fun and exciting than my work, they are just about as dull, but the point is that it requires brain power to think and plan and figure these things out, and I just want to be able to do that for awhile.

I need a shower. *sigh* Today, my life is nothing but boring and dreary kiddies. b o r i n g & d r e a r y

I fell out of bed this morning. Yep, just up and fell out of bed. What the hell is that? Seriously, I'm going to be 24 in 45 days and I fell out of bed? What's more, I landed on her. Here's how it went down:

I always wake up before she does. I usually use this time to shower and start breakfast. She has moved out of my bed onto a mattress on the floor next to my bed. As I'm up on my knees, shuffling across my bed, my cat* decides my foot looks like an awesome chew toy and attacks it. I cry out in pain [read: yelp like someone stepped on a puppy] and jerk my foot away, thereby throwing myself completely off balance. As I teeter on the edge of my mattress, arms madly windmilling, I see her sleeping peacefully below me. After a split second of thinking I might regain my footing [or kneeling?], I fall. She wakes up, wondering what the hell just landed on her. Yeah. Did I mention I was naked? Yep. I sleep in the buff.

Man, I need the weekend to get here now!!

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