f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
08.06.03 || 6
Okay kiddies, still don't have my pics from the concert back yet, but I feel like making an entry, so I will call this one Link-a-licious 2!!

I get this newsletter every week from the goofballs in the UK called b3ta (say beet-ah). They have all kinds of super spiffy things every week that helps me kill the last 3-4 hours of work every Friday! Seriously though, check it out, it's really great.

They are who helped me run across amazing things online, like this amazing stick figure fight scene.

And this poor stick figure dude.

And this amazing animation that makes me really wish I understood Japanese!!

Then there are the sights that I have discovered through friends and stuff.

I absolutely LOVE Joel Veitch's work!! My favorite was the Viking Kittens singing the Immigrant Song, but he had to take that down for some reason. Of course, the Northern Kittens are by far the best now.

Then there's Wing. Wing is an asian lady in New Zealand who sings to old people. Click here for a few tastes of the torture! Click here to torture your friends and family!

Umm...now I have to pee and go eat, so I'll leave it at that for now.

By the way, I've updated my horror log I'm going to be adding some actual movies to it soon, so you may want to add it to your favorite list!**

**shameless plug

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