f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
05.06.03 || 4
Okay kiddies, you will indeed get a complete and total play-by-play of the Coldplay concert, but not until I get pics back so I can share them all with you. Right now though, I feel the need to vent about something I just ran across at work.

I just created a visit for a woman who is going to have her uterus re-secured. I read that and thought, �Hmm�wonder what that means.� So I get to the diagnosis and it reads: SPONTANEOUS EJECTION OF UTERUS THROUGH VAGINA

What in the hell?? That can happen?!? Oh my fucking gods!!! What the fuck! Is this yet another way my body can revolt against me? How common is this? What the hell causes this? Apparently, it�s spontaneous, which means it can happen at any old time. I�m disgusted and appalled and morbidly curious. I have to call this woman later to verify insurance information, and all I want to do is grill this poor woman about what�s happening on Friday.

I mean, did it come all the way out? Does she have some sort of medical condition that led to this? I�m just�stunned.

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