f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
12.06.03 || 10
I'm home. I took three naps today kiddies, and I feel like I'm almost human again. I'm still not well, but I'm getting better. Of course, since one has to SCHEDULE one's sick days at the company I work for, I spent yesterday in hell at work, and today, when I probably could have made it in, I didn't go. Where's the motivation? I scheduled Thursday and Friday off, why the hell go in? Even if I bounce up out of bed, perky and chipper tomorrow morning, why the hell not start my weekend early? *grin*

I've been reading The Encyclopedia of Urban Legends and watching horror movies for my horror log. That, and napping, and cuddling wubbies, and peeing. Cosmo should be home soon. I've been watching a travel channel thing on Vegas and I'm getting excited. I want to talk to her about it.

In other news, Poppy was very happy with her birthday/diaryland anniversary pressie. She crafted me this spiffy thank you card!!

*grin* That made me smile on an otherwise miserable day.

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