f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
14.01.04 || Concerning lack of sleep and plans for tonight.
I couldn't sleep for shit last night. Fuck me, I had a bad night! It all started when I was laying down and smacked the back of my head on the wall. Instead of resting gently on my pillow, I was suddenly seeing stars. I quickly developed a headache that kept me up for a good hour or so. When I finally fell asleep, the wubbies invented a new game called Knock over frozen's guitar case, making a horrid racket, causing her to bolt upright in bed before stupidly, and groggily standing said case back up so we can do it over and over throughout the night. Okay, so it was probably called something shorter and far more catchy, but I'm running on fumes here kiddies, what do you want from me? I unwillingly participated in their cruel game about 4 times before I expelled them all from my bed and left the guitar case on it's side. One by one, they all came back to my bed, slinking up all stealth-ninja-kitty like and cuddling me. Nothing like a good cuddle to turn my rage into complacence. It works every goddamn time, and they know it. After they settled me back down, the continued their torture, finding small noisy things to play with on the hardwood floor. I woke up with a crick in my neck, a knot in my back, and a terrible desire to forget all about my morning shower and breakfast, electing instead to stay in bed as long as possible before shuffling over to the closet and grabbing the first blouse and skirt I laid hands on. Remarkably, I look exceptionally cute today.

I need to stop at the post office tonight. I'm expecting a package from one of my kiddies, and I'm eagerly anticipating a letter from my most elegantly depressed kiddie. Letters rock my world, just so you know. People don't send nearly enough letters anymore, and that depresses me. I still need to send my ex-fianc� his replacement martini glass. Then, of course, I have to put together little Imbolc parcels for those kiddies I love best. Don't feel bad if you don't get one, it's not that I don't love you, it's that I probably don't know you too well, and any Imbolc gift I tried to give you would be a poor attempt at "keeping up appearances" and I already have to do enough of that with my blood relatives, I'm not going to start that trend with my kiddies.

I just got through with my yearly review. It was with Boss Lady. It was great. We talked about body mods and my ever-changing hair color and nudist camps and fetish clubs and freaking out our parents and swinging. Then she gave me the second highest raise you can get, and it was done. Very cool. I was actually a bit worried, as it was my first review I've had here. Now though�now I want to have a few shots, maybe a mixed drink or two, then I think tonight I'm going to take care of business.

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