f r o z e n - v o d k a v6.11
09 July 2004 || Concerning turning down a piece of eye candy.
This is a special entry kiddies...it's for one of my specialer kiddies who I am now chatting to. I'm drunk off my ass kiddies...barely able to make out the keyboard, and she requested a drunk entry.

So, the fight I had with Mon Lion this week? Left things kind of wierd between us. I don't know what exactly is going on...but...I don't know. We'll see how things go.

but I don't want to talk about that now, check this out:

There is a guy, in my building, at work.

We call him hottie handy man because he's fucking hot.


He's 27. He's inked...full sleeves...pierced labret...industrial piercings, and, from my flirtatious chatter, he's got....

are you ready for this?

P I E R C E D - N I P P L E S

Pierced fucking nipples kiddies.

By biggest weakness, aside from lucious lips, distended earlobes, and the back of a guy's neck. I just can't keep my lips off of them!! No lie.

I have lusted over Hottie Handy Man for...oh...over a year now. I've flirted with him daily. I've entertained fantasies involving the handicapped stall in the ladies room....or the stairwell....or my desk....*drool*


Okay. So yeah. Insane amounts of lust for this boy, but nothing. Nothing more than innuendoes, loaded comments, etc.

Until today.

He was in the break room. He complimented my outfit. Said I looked "smokin'". Touched my shoulder. More like...top of my shoulder, base of my neck. Asked me out. Asked me out for drinks. After work. Smiled [gorgeous smile]. Lowered his voice and made a comment about seeing whether I was wearing a thong, or just going commando.

And I responded with?

What did I say kiddies?

Wht was my first reaction?

Did I jump on him and rip his shirt off?

Did I take him up on his offer and wind up fucking him in the bathroom?


No, I did not.

Without a second thought, or even a pause, I smiled at him like you smile at a 5 year old who tells you he can fly is he puts socks on his hands, and I said, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend."

And he looked disappointed.

And he said, "Lucky guy." Before looking me up and down, moistening his lips, shaking his head like he just lost a race, and walked away.

What the fuck kiddies? I've never turned that shit down. Ever.

I must really. REALLY. Super really.

I must really be in love.

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